Perhaps they are not serious in the grand scheme but its usually the little things that spark off confrontations, arguments and even murders. I shall however defuse them, maybe, by writing them down. So here goes in no order of importance.
- Car parks with self service machines that don't give change
- Car parks which set the tariff so as they don't give change you often end up overpaying ie £2.60, £5.10 ........... these examples belong to Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, and represent a hidden charge on top of the one that you might argue is unfair anyway. After all I have choice re shopping, cinemas etc but not with attending Hospital, either as a patient or a visitor.
- The organisations (see above) who don't think customer and therefore don't install machines that take notes, cards, prebooking by email, SMS etc.......and such technologies do exist, I have seen and used them.
So lets continue with driving
- Vehicles who at slip roads to Motorways and dual carriageways, think that all they have to do is indicate and then keep coming no matter whether the driver on the main road, with definite right of way, has to brake or swerve. A long, long time ago, when I was taught to drive, the rule was that you did not do anything which would cause another road user to deviate or alter their speed, the responsibility for 'fitting in' was yours.
- Signs on the back of cars that say' child aboard keep clear' ....... how meaningless, if I am a good driver I won't sit on your rear end anyway, if I am bad I don't think that I differentiate between old folk, children, dogs or any other vehicle contents. Maybe I shall try one that says "Qualified advanced driver, Magistrate and retired early ............. please keep clear"
In the meantime I am going off to Durham in a gas guzzling 4.7 litre V8 Jeep to drive carefully and responsibly down unmade byways ..................... I may on my return expand on the concept of greenlaning and how such a pursuit is as valid and as legal as rambling.
A good Bank Holioday to all my readers