Wednesday, 16 April 2014


Just in case there are still readers checking dutifully to catch my musings, my apologies. I have often thought of writing an item but somehow it never got to the top of my motivation reserve. I do seem to be lacking drive and revert to simple things like eating, drinking watching TV, must be old age, my 65th birthday is in sight and I am unsure how I see that. Well I have claimed fro my OAP, happy to accept money from the government.

Anyway a brief update on life, Malcolm and the universe.

I am still in a life partnership with my special African Queen Tsitsi, she turns 60 soon and would rather stay younger. This relationship has turned out to be an essential in my life, someone to help and be helped, share similarities and recognise differences. I now realise that being old and alone must be a difficult and undesirable situation.

I have resigned from the Board and Chairmanship of Nottingham Credit Union. It is difficult with volunteers to get unanimity but our, and indeed many other Credit Unions financial position, are not improving. Not helped by the delayed and delayed Universal Credit scheme which we were ready to support tenants and landlords. Any way the bottom line was I believed that a radical approach needed to be taken and that just trying to cut costs again and make more staff redundant was to invite extinction. An alternative plan to push for growth in members and loans, revamping our image and streamlining and automating processes did not get enough support. Though I am told that my resignation email was discussed at length and broadly the points I made were supported. What seems to be lacking is courage to take a bold step with no guarantees. Any best wishes to all at NCU, maybe I will be proved wrong.

I had a new experience, following on working with The Patients Association on complaint handling in the NHS post Mid Staffs issues, I was invited to be involved in a full CQC (Care & Quality Commission) inspection of a Trust in Berkshire.

This was  interesting though I did share concerns that the role of the Patients Association team (of two) was an add on not integrated into the inspection. Clearly lots of issues to consider but complaints are an indicator of other problems and given that many dissatisfied patients or relatives do not ‘want to make a fuss’. They can be a valuable signpost for further inspection and questions.

We stayed in a nice hotel, got fed well but were working long days e.g. up at 6:00am to bed at 11:30pm. Probably my semi retired self had grown used to shorter self managing timescales and age and infirmity became so much more pronounced.

The old saying ‘act your age’ comes into mind, its just difficult to accept your limitations, the mind is willing, mostly, the body not.

The ending of the funding for IT training, my giving up off roading and sold my Jeeps means I have so much more time unallocated, I still do Magistrates Duty and indeed have been able to fill some short notice gaps recently, but overall there is more time. You can only watch so much TV, so my gift subscription to Netflix has been well used.

As I pause here to collect my thoughts, seeking the inspiration for bonne mots and insightful observations, I admit I am entering a new category and the third age offers challenges but also maybe opportunities. The last few years, since I started this blog, is full of unexpected and unforeseen things so maybe the next phase will continue to be unpredictable.

I have the time for some for musings and would be happy to be inspired by readers as well as my own journeys. 

65 (almost) and not out yet.

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