On reflecting on what to say in my next (thats this one) blog, I got distracted and sidelined to the extent that I didn't actually put finger to keyboard......the muse has deserted me, a sober inner voice said ....of course I ignored that and carried on anyway.
Some events that have happened to me ........... maybe I can make a vaguely related blog from them
Sold Sports Car and bought People Carrier
Got a Disabled Parking badge
My Girlfriend has moved in with me
Hmm .......................searching for mental links, DO NOT TOUCH THAT MOUSE, something will appear soon.
OK here goes, I thinks its change, the common factor that is and surprisingly they all do relate to the overall purpose of my blogging, which was to muse on getting older.
I have spoken about getting old and infirm before and the change of car does sort of fit into that. In simple terms I wanted a vehicle I could get in and out of rather easier ............. so lament the glories of the open top, the wind in my hair, the admiring glances of the passer-bys waiting for buses...........but embrace less painful knee bending and actually having room for luggage. And I have a car that has a warranty after Saab had inconveniently gone bankrupt ............... I think Citroen is safe !
This links rather neatly to life changing consequences of now sharing one's home and life with a woman. I could embarrass her with various tales of me 'coping' with change eg
'where is the salt now?"
"Isn't it very hot in here ?"
"I can't find *********" (insert almost any household item)
"What do you mean you don't like Vampire and Zombie TV programs ! "
" NO I really don't like fish heads or tripe ,thank you darling"
On the upside my schedule or rut as some may prefer to call it, has been diverted, thinking for two again, after five years of sole sufficiency does require relearning. Add in some cross cultural issues, she is originally from Zimbabwe, and life gets interesting, demanding, exciting, frustrating ..... often all at the same time. But its very good having someone to share things with and we are adapting to agree our differences and work within them, but enjoying things like shopping, going out, staying in............. and sharing a cuddle etc in a new big 6ft bed.
The next challenge is Christmas, us two, her son and daughter, my daughter and son in law ...................... deciding what food(s) to have is the first decision, whatever happens it might just give some material for another blog.
That leaves the Disabled Parking Badge, I now have stopped complaining that there are so many at supermarkets etc, and have turned suspicious of others parking near me when I can't see their badge displayed prominently as required. I do really appreciate it, as it cuts down on walking and allows me to still get to places and hobble in. I also enjoy parking on Council Carparks or on street without paying and often without time limit ............. everyone should have that of course, but in the meantime until you get some disability you can just be mildly jealous.
I on the other hand rationalise that now I can get parking, I am saving the money the Council pays for free bus travel, as this has decreased.
No moral really, unless I reflect that when I started this blog, the subjects of today's epistle, would never have appeared on my list of things to write about ........................ here's to more days, weeks, months and hopefully years of change, bring it on, I can cope,
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