Many people suffer when the days draw in, Daylight savings changes back to GMT and the weather, though that’s pretty unpredictable in the UK, turns colder but also cloudy, wet, fog and other light reducing atmospherics and just feels, well not very nice.
Its not yet the end of October but I am already feeling depressed when you open the curtains and see fog, the trees are barer and motivation seems hard to find.
OK I don’t have any proper jobs but I do sometimes need to get up and go out, which can be challenging but actually once you are up and out can seem bearable ............though don’t get me started on traffic jams, road works, people who cannot drive, stop in stupid places, drive with iced or misted up windows etc .................I appreciate they are the same stupid drivers who you get in summertime but the greyness makes them exponentially worse.
Perhaps more challenging is the staying at home with nothing much to do ............. just look I have had to write a blog to get me going !..................of course there are things to do, just that many of them don’t appear to motivate me. Washing, Ironing, Cleaning, emptying the bins, even switching the Robot Hoover on can all seem too difficult. My rationale for some of this, is with my new partner, who is so much better, as women usually are, at that sort of domestic stuff, and whilst not the modern man approach, I can quite easily rationalise that even if I have the time, it might upset her if I do some of the domestic work and I will certainly not do to the expected standard. I have however emptied the dishwasher before blogging so I can feel a sense of achievement that I probably don’t deserve.
One additional feature of living with another after many years of self, is that she works night shifts and there are some times of incompatibility as she sleeps and I am awake but without purpose.......................just thought of another excuse re household engineering, hoovering or other noisy stuff would be inconsiderate.
The ability to rationalise yourself is quite large I find.
So is there any solution, I hear you ask .............well yes if I was rich, I would be taking my private jet to somewhere warm and sunny and spend a few months or more in my second or maybe even third or fourth home so avoiding winter, but alas I am not.
I can be indulgent and have comfort food and chocolate but I do that anyway .......I could look forward to crisp brighter days with some manageable snow but I dread that as bad knees and ice don’t mix.
I could cheer myself up by buying stuff, always a favourite, I could hope for snow so I can take the Jeep out around town where others struggle. Snow from inside 3 tons of car with four wheel drive, all terrain tyres, climate control and heated seats seems much more attractive.
There’s planning Christmas ............bah humbug (thanks Charlie), though this year promises to be different though unpredictable..........I must start thinking about presents now extended to my extended family in law for whom I have even less of an idea about what they like and dislike, some surfing time on “Christmas presents for new people” in Google seems an idea.
Maybe I need a shopping expedition to France soon (see last years blog), maybe I need a dog or a cat to keep me company .........oh no perhaps not got a woman for that now, but spending money is always attractive, oh yes got a woman to help with that as well......
Ah well no simple answers so maybe just make a sandwich and watch the telly, somewhere in 130 channels, recorded shows and on demand must be something interesting, maybe I will watch something I would not usually, keep “the little grey cells working” thanks Hercule.
Wait I feel a little better, the motivation from sitting down and creating a blog when you had no idea apart from the title seems to have worked, you dear readers may get a few more during the winter months ....................Goodbye from your scribe, for now.................summer is acoming.
summer came and went