Now I am not a political person, though I once stood for Parish Council but lost, but I take an interest in the news and what’s happening.
It now seems that the ‘are we in’ or ‘are we out’ fight with the EU is hotting up. Now I have specific views on this and declare myself as a European, I have visited various countries and at one time was going to retire to France.
What annoys me is the fact that the British Government, or the Conservatives to be accurate, are posturing and threatening and taking a frankly, “I’m alright sod the neighbours” attitude brought on by the threats of UKIP getting seats. That would be a disaster for the country but it is disappointing that Mr Cameron is trying to be a skeptic in the run up to the election. That’s the point, its “I will say whatever is needed to get myself back into government”
The hypocrisy is astounding, but I am not making a party political point as all the others do the same, what I do fear is that the UK would withdraw or even be kicked out for breaking the rules.
When will we realise that the days of the British Empire have gone, perhaps some will need to reflect that we we're not unblemished in areas such as human rights and equality, profit being the motive and stop looking back to days of world influence.
I really fail to understand the problem with free movement of labour, its a global world and the British and the Scots for centuries went all sort of places, the UK invited people from the West Indies in the 50s so that there were people to drive the buses, empty the refuse etc.
The Poles have been coming to UK for years, though I note that many are returning as Poland improves itself. There are queues of people at Calais trying to get in. There are Brits living and working in all the EU countries, would the EU send all of them back !
If we are so attractive, is this not a compliment ?
The argument is then turned to claiming benefits and health services, there are rules and if people meet them then why are they refused. The fact that the UK has ‘lost’ thousands upon thousands of people speaks more to the inefficiency of border controls, who started then scrapped the Border Agency ? and presides on a massively complex and unfathomable benefit system, where is the Universal Credits promised ?
I hope you get the gist, I hope that we are not returning to xenophobia, (though some never left it) nor direct discrimination to people who are a bit different to us, the UK is a total mix of people, think Saxons, Celts, Romans, Vikings ……….. the list goes on. The Scots, despite the narrow margin of the referendum, don’t think themselves as English, nor the Welsh or the Irish. Its perfectly possible to be a UK resident whilst still retaining your original systems and values. It will only take a generation or two for integration to naturally occur, count the number of highly successful Asians in business and politics, so the Bulgarians and other new states will also assimilate themselves whilst bringing new perspectives and traditions.
Now I am an OAP but I will seriously consider leaving the UK, (assuming I am allowed to keep my pension), if we leave the EU ………there really is no more GREAT in great Britain, wake up and smell the daisies, we are all in a global, shrinking world, is this the time to being a little, isolated, inbreed, racist, state with self serving politicians, situated off the coast of Europe with little influence on the rest of the world ?
I hope my foreign readers will bear with me and if reading this will realise that what is said in the papers and on UK TV, does not represent all the citizens.
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